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May 17

Andover Driving Theory Test Centre to Open Full Time

Do you live in the Hampshire town of Andover? Are you a learner driver looking to take your theory test? Andover driving theory test centre looks set to be converted into a full-time facility, which is great news for local learner drivers.  

Jan 16

Should have been made to rebook a theory test online

In what situation should a learner driver be made to rebook a theory test online? This will do for starters.

Jan 16

Do you have to book a theory test online to become a driving instructor?

Book Theory Test Today clarifies whether you need to book a theory test online to become a driving instructor if you’ve already passed a standard car theory test.

Dec 15

What do you reckon it costs a learner driver to get on the road?

Getting your hands on a driving licence is expensive, but just how expensive? What’s your best guess as to how much it could cost you, the learner driver, to get on the road?

Nov 15

Learner driver driving test cancellations – Kettering

Following the recent driving examiners’ strike, we hear of a number of learner driver driving test cancellations up and down the country. Where were learners hit hardest?

Nov 15

What to expect when booking a theory test in Ireland – Part 1

Is the process for booking a theory test in Ireland different to the UK? Is the theory exam the same? In part one of this series, Book Theory Test Today provides some facts about the Irish driving theory test.

Nov 15

That’s how to pass a driving test

Meet Lee Cunningham, the learner driver who achieved a perfect pass on his DVSA practical test. Now that’s how to pass a driving test!

Nov 15

Theory test revision | How much time should you spend revising?

A common question asked on learner driver and student forums is how much time should be spent on theory test revision? Let’s find out…

Oct 15

Meet the 92-year-old learner driver ready to book a practical driving test

Say hello to Betty Jones, aged 92. She’s just started learning to drive and is determined to book a practical driving test and pass it!

Oct 15

Learner driver in Coventry? Don’t take your driving test there

The recent publication of DVSA figures showing Britain’s best and worst performing driving test centres has caused quite a stir. Learner driver in Coventry? Well, test centres in the city have been labelled as some of the worst performing in the country…

Sep 15

Range Rover road rage leaves driving instructor with broken elbow

A terrified learner driver witnesses ‘Range Rover road rage’ first hand as his driving instructor has his elbow broken by an impatient buffoon. The instructor recounts the experience…

Aug 15

Learner driver tragedy: Suspended learner kills daughter & injures son

Book Theory Test Today cannot emphasise enough how much the ‘it will never happen to me’ attitude makes a motorist reckless. This is the story of one learner driver tragedy…

Aug 15

34 and 35 driving test attempts for two learner drivers in Teesside

Two learner drivers in Teesside add to the epidemic of needing multiple attempts to pass the driving test. Book Theory Test Today tells their story.

Aug 15

Learner driver in Norfolk? You face a lengthy wait for a driving test

It appears that having to wait for a driving test in the UK is spreading. First Cambridge, now Norfolk. If you’re a learner driver in Norfolk, we’re sorry to tell you that you could be waiting up to 16 weeks for a test.

Aug 15

Learner driver ‘need to knows’ – zig zag road markings

Zig zag road markings… what are they? When were they introduced to Britain’s roads? Book Theory Test Today straightens out zig zag road markings.

Aug 15

West Midlands learner driver fails DVSA practical test 35 times

A West Midlands learner driver from Sutton Coldfield clocked up 35 DVSA practical test failures, spending almost £2,200.

Aug 15

Road rage driver swears at learner for giving way to ambulance on 999 call

A female road rage driver has been filmed flipping the finger at a learner driver. The learner’s ‘offence’ – giving way to an ambulance responding to an emergency call.

Jul 15

Britain’s worst learner driver finally passes test

Remember Janine Mars, the woman labelled as Britain’s worst learner driver? She has finally passed her test. Goes to show that perseverance pays off!

Jul 15

Learner driver in Cambridge? You face frustrating four-month test wait

If you’re a learner driver in Cambridge looking to take your DVSA practical driving test anytime soon, you face a lengthy wait.

Jul 15

Looking for a Driving Instructor? Don’t hire this dude

Professional, patient, polite – all good characteristics you should look for in a driving instructor. What you don’t want is one who sleeps on the job!


*To Qualify For a Free Resit You Need To Achieve Over 39/50 In Your Exam. Read More.