Strap yourselves in wannabe petrol heads. With the help of money saving expert, Martin Lewis, Book Theory Test Today is hitting the road with 50 top tips that will cut your motoring costs. Tune in each & every week for a new tip and remember to share with friends and family and slash the cost of motoring.
This week we’re looking at *coughs* – using public transport. Not using your car altogether or in part is a sure-fire way to cut the cost of motoring.
However, we appreciate that using public transport is not everyone’s cup of tea and you’re probably thinking ‘why would you tell a driver to stop using their car? It would be pretty pointless to cut the cost of motoring if I’m not driving.’ A valid point but there is reasoning behind it. Â
Cut the cost of motoring tip #29 – Use public transport
Book Theory Test Today says: “Using public transport is great for longer distances. For instance, what you save on not using fuel for your car could be used to pay for train tickets. This is a highly beneficial way to cut the cost of motoring, especially if you’re driving around in a fuel-guzzling behemoth.â€
For a great way to grab cheap train tickets, check out the Cheap Train Tickets guide, which is jam-packed with top tips for getting standard class rail tickets on the cheap.
The added bonus of using public transport, aside from cutting the cost of motoring, is that you don’t have to be responsible for the driving. If you’re dreading a five-hour journey, ditch the motor and hop on the train. You’re saving money, avoiding traffic jams and getting where you want to go faster, result!
You’ll be surprised how much using public transport can help you cut the cost of motoring and the great thing is the odds are stacked in your favour. Bus and train companies work a bit like hotels. When hotels have rooms to fill, they discount their prices. When bus and train companies need to fill seats, they do the same and you stand to grab a bargain.
If you’re travelling a short distance, you don’t even need the bus or train to cut the cost of motoring. Get your bike out and cycle; it’s better for the environment, better for your health and better for your finances.
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Tags: Book theory test today, Book your theory test, Book your theory test online, Cost of Motoring, public transport, Theory Test, UK theory test