Strap yourselves in wannabe petrol heads. With the help of money saving expert, Martin Lewis, Book Theory Test Today is hitting the road with 50 top tips that will cut your motoring costs. Tune in each & every week for a new tip and remember to share with friends and family and slash the cost of motoring.
This week we’re looking at public transport, a swear word to the car lover, but using it can help you cut the cost of motoring so hear us out.
Cut the cost of motoring tip #12 – Try public transport
Book Theory Test Today says: “Yes, we know what you’re thinking! This goes against the drivers’ code. What’s the point in having a car if you’re advising me to use public transport? Why would I swap my car for overcrowded buses or trains? You’re mad Book Theory Test Today, you really are. This is extreme just to cut the cost of motoring.â€
Don’t worry, we’re not asking you to completely abandon your car, but do you really need to use it all the time? Public transport actually offers some great deals for travel and the bonus is you’re cutting the cost of motoring because the fuel expenses are someone else’s.
Bus and train travel
Let’s start with trains. To cut the cost of motoring, consider travelling by rail, especially if you’re taking the family out on a day trip. You save money and ‘driving’ responsibility falls on someone else. A great place to start and grab a good deal is the Cheap Train Tickets guide, it’s packed full of great tips for getting rail tickets at reduced rates.
Train and bus companies operate much like hotels. When hotels are trying to fill rooms, they reduce prices and the same principle applies with empty seats on buses and trains.
Companies will radically reduce rates in order to increase sales. Recently, deals have included UK train and bus tickets for just £1 and the cost of motoring is definitely more expensive than that.  Â
If you’re only travelling a short distance, say round the corner to the local convenience store to pick up the newspaper, leave the motor at home. Driving short distances regularly is inefficient and will increase your cost of motoring. A stroll is not only much healthier for you; it’s healthier for your bank balance.
Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…
Tags: Book theory test today, Book your theory test, Book your theory test online, Book your theory test online today, Cost of Motoring, public transport, UK theory test