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From the Mouth of Martin: Top Tips to Slash the Cost of Motoring – #14

Strap yourselves in wannabe petrol heads. With the help of money saving expert, Martin Lewis, Book Theory Test Today is hitting the road with 50 top tips that will cut your motoring costs. Tune in each & every week for a new tip and remember to share with friends and family and slash the cost of motoring.

This week we’re looking at car clubs! You’ve heard of ‘Fight Club’, right? You know, the movie with Brad Pitt, but it turns out that Brad Pitt isn’t really there. That’s what car clubs are like, except less violence and it’s your car that’s not around.

Cut the cost of motoring tip #14 – Car clubs

Book Theory Test Today says: “Car clubs are an extremely effective way to cut the cost of motoring, especially if you only drive occasionally. They allow you to get rid of your everyday motor and hire one as and when you need to.

They’re a cost-effective way to slash the cost of motoring because they remove the need for breakdown and maintenance costs, plus the expense of insurance.”

However, it’s only effective if you use the system regularly, as signing up for rental and annual fees could increase the cost of motoring if you don’t maximise car clubs to their full potential. Another tip to make car clubs effective and cut the cost of motoring is to keep your journeys short.

Before joining a car club to cut the cost of motoring, you should review your own circumstances to ensure that it will work for you and that it’s worth it in the long run. However, here are some of the distinct advantages of joining a car club to slash the cost of motoring:

  • Cost clarity – The cost of motoring is made clear when using a car club. Hire a car for the day and you get an immediate figure of how much it will cost. In contrast, the cost of running your own vehicle tends to fluctuate.
  • Eliminate added costs – Maintenance of the vehicle is not your responsibility and neither do you have to worry about the vehicle depreciating in value, plus you don’t have to pay to insure a vehicle. Also, if you like the idea of driving a flash car without worrying about extra costs, car clubs are for you!
  • Flexibility – In contrast to regular car hiring services, car clubs tend to be available 24/7, so you don’t need to rely on a rental shop being open for business.
  • Gain extra loyalty points – You can use your own loyalty cards to fuel up your vehicle and gain reward points for yourself.

To find your nearest car club and cut the cost of motoring, simply use your preferred internet search engine and type in car clubs followed by the area you live. For example – car clubs, Wolverhampton.

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