Book Theory Test Today investigates the bad luck of a woman who has failed the theory test a whopping 110 times. Worst of all she still hasn’t passed.
The dream scenario when learning to drive is to breeze through your theory test and practical exam first time. However, for some, even passing the theory test can prove challenging. So, spare a thought for an unnamed, 28-year-old woman from South East London who has failed her theory test a staggering 110 times.
The luckless lady has spent a total of £3,140 on theory test bookings, and she still has the practical exam to tackle.
Book Theory Test Today says: “If she’d booked a theory test online using our service she could have had a few of those theory tests for free. It’s difficult to determine why she has failed so many times because it’s certainly not for the lack of trying. To spend over £3,000 means she’s certainly determined.â€
However, the woman is not alone in racking up a high number of theory test fails. A 30-year-old man from Peterborough has failed the exam 86 times, and is still going, while a 41-year-old man from the West Midlands has just passed at his 80th attempt.
Book Theory Test Today says: “It certainly shows that the theory test is more challenging than some learners give it credit for. Some candidates take a very cavalier attitude towards the test, disregarding revision and expecting to pass. It only often takes one wrong answer on the test to result in a fail.â€
At £31 the theory test is not cheap, especially if you’ve taken it 110 times. However, if the unfortunate lady still hasn’t passed by October 2014 at least she’ll have the consolation of the theory test being cheaper as a result of Government proposals.
The record breaking figure was revealed after a Freedom of Information request was submitted to the DVSA.
The theory test currently has a pass rate of 65.4% and tests a candidate’s driving knowledge and ability to respond to hazards via the hazard perception test. Over the next few years there are plans in place to revamp the exam in a bid to make it ‘more challenging’, dreadful news for those who struggle with the test in its present state.
In a statement from a DVSA spokesperson, they said: “It is essential that all drivers demonstrate they have the right skills, knowledge and attitude to drive safely.â€
The figures also revealed that even when some candidates manage to pass the theory test they go on to struggle with the practical aspect of driver testing.
The current record for the most number of practical exam failures in Britain stands at 36. This record is held by a middle-aged man and cost him over £2,000, enough to afford a decent second-hand vehicle.
Book Theory Test Today says: “All these factors prove that passing the theory test and practical driving exam is no easy feat, it requires a substantial amount of effort. Therefore, we would always advise that candidates should revise for their theory exam as thoroughly as they can. This gives them the best possible opportunity of avoiding some of the misfortunes experienced by others.â€
Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…