Book Theory Test Today investigates the recent surge in online petitions to scrap the hazard perception test.
First introduced on November 14th 2002, the hazard perception test has now been part of the theory test for 12 years. However, over the last two years there has been an increased frequency of online petitions calling for the hazard perception element of the theory test to be abolished.
Why Scrap The Hazard Perception Test?
There’s a growing concern among commentators, and a minority of the public, that the hazard perception part of the theory test is not conducive to helping a candidate to improve their driving skills. There’s a consensus among a minority of people that theory test candidates taking the hazard perception exam are simply learning how to pass a test, not how to improve their driving skills.
A petition contributor, who began a petition via, said:
“The hazard perception aspect of the theory test is a great idea in principle, but like the theory test itself, candidates are simply learning answers to pass a test. Does it improve a person’s ability to drive? In the long-term, no.”
Many opposed to the hazard perception exam claim it was only introduced to revamp the outdated theory test, and attacked the theory test process as a whole. One petitioner said:
“It’s reminiscent of my school days, where you revise answers to pass a test, you don’t actually retain much of that information afterwards.â€
Both the theory test and hazard perception exam have been criticised in the past because people can simply learn the answers, because they’re all supplied through various resources. This prompted authorities to revamp both elements, but recently this has led to an increase in the number of theory test cheats.
An anti-hazard perception petitioner said:
“The rise in the number of people trying to cheat the test shows that candidates don’t take a test to learn, they take it to pass. They’re not educated to improve their driving ability; the theory test is effectively a means to an end.â€
A minority of individuals argue that the hazard perception test ‘does not realistically measure a candidate’s skill in determining a hazard’. One petition, sent directly to the Department for Transport (DfT), makes the following assessment:
The hazard perception test:
Encourages reactive behaviour, which conflicts with the actual aim of the exercise, which is to encourage better scanning and anticipation of hazards
Encourages a click and hope mentality and in many cases this system works and helps people to earn a pass score, but does not separate a safe driver from an unsafe driver
Petitioners argue that it’s simply pure luck if a candidate passes the hazard perception part of the theory test, stating that the majority of candidates apply no logical thought process to the exam.
In the 10 year period since the hazard perception test started in 2002, the number of petitions filed by the DfT calling for its abolishment has increased by 39% [source:].
Book Theory Test Today says:
“For the time being the theory test and hazard perception exam are here to stay, despite the surge in petitions. The Government recently announced that they will be slashing the price of the test.â€
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(Image Source: Flickr)