Big cheer for Scottish learner drivers, you’re the brainiest in Britain when it comes to driving theory. As for London’s learner drivers, the outcome is not quite so complimentary…
Who says Scottish learner drivers are Britain’s brainiest?
Book Theory Test Today says: “From the organisation that blamed lengthy driving test waits on the credit crunch, we give you the DVSA. Yes. According to DVSA figures, Scottish learner drivers are the brainiest in Britain when it comes to driving theory.â€
“Granted, you should probably take anything the DVSA says with a pinch of salt, but nonetheless they have done research,†we’d like to add.
How did the DVSA come to this conclusion?
According to data gathered by the DVSA, of the 10 towns in the UK with the highest pass rates for the driving theory test, half of them are in Scotland. Between April and June 2015, Lerwick, in the Shetlands, recorded the highest pass rate percentage, with 57.1 per cent. Dundee, Edinburgh, Inverness and Oban also made the top 10 pass rate percentage list.
If Scottish learner drivers are the brainiest, who are the dumbest?
Sorry Londoners, but the crown of dumbest learner drivers belongs to you. If you need someone to blame, then look in the direction of the Uxbridge theory test centre, which has a theory test pass rate of 42.8 per cent. Alternatively, you can blame the Ilford centre, which didn’t do much better with a pass rate of 42.9 per cent.
To put these pass rates into context, the national average is 49 per cent.
However, it can’t all be laid at Uxbridge’s and Ilford’s door, other towns and cities included on the top 10 ‘dumb list’ are – Berwick, Birmingham, Boston, Bradford, Kings Lynn, Luton and Scunthorpe.
In total, 463,695 theory tests were taken between April and June, with 227,361 managing to pass. However, that’s less than half of the candidates who attempted. It’s worth noting that these figures don’t include all the theory test centres. Those centres with less than a 100 tests taken between April and June had their pass rates withheld from the figures.
Here’s what the best and worst lists look like:
The best theory test centres
We already know that Scottish learner drivers have done some of their country’s theory test centres proud, but which other towns and cities make the list?
Lerwick – 57.1 per cent pass rate
Cheltenham – 56.7 per cent pass rate
Aberystwyth – 54.5 per cent pass rate
Edinburgh – 54.3 per cent pass rate
Exeter – 53.9 per cent pass rate
Dundee – 53.8 per cent pass rate
Inverness – 53.5 per cent pass rate
Cheltenham (Albion Street) – 53.2 per cent pass rate
Cambridge – 53.2 per cent pass rate
Newcastle – 52.9 per cent pass rate
Here are some of the worst – look away now if you live in these towns or cities
Uxbridge – 42.8 per cent pass rate
Ilford – 42.9 per cent pass rate
Luton – 43.7 per cent pass rate
Kings Lynn – 43.8 per cent pass rate
Boston – 44.0 per cent pass rate
Bradford – 44.8 per cent pass rate
Scunthorpe – 45.1 per cent pass rate
Birmingham – 45.4 per cent pass rate
Oldham – 45.5 per cent pass rate
Berwick – 45.7 per cent pass rate
Live in a town that has been shamed? Yet to take your theory test? Your town/city needs you. Book your theory test with us, today.
Book Your Theory Test Today
Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…
Tags: Berwick, Birmingham, Book theory test today, Book your theory test, Book your theory test online, Book your theory test online today, Boston, Bradford, credit crunch, Driving Test, Dundee, DVSA, Edinburgh, Ilford, Inverness, King’s Lynn, learner drivers, Lerwick, London, London learner drivers, Luton, Oban, Scotland, Scottish learner drivers, Scunthorpe, Shetlands, Theory Test, theory test centre, UK theory test, Uxbridge, Uxbridge theory test centre