Throughout your DVSA practical driving test you will have to deal with junctions, there’s no escaping it. Book Theory Test Today offers some top tips to help you cope…
T-junctions come in a variety of forms and practical driving test invigilators will be closely monitoring your ability to deal with junctions. There is a formula to successfully negotiating them so, follow these essential steps and you won’t go wrong.
Consider your approach
The incorrect approach to junctions is a common cause of practical driving test failure. Many learner drivers are usually caught out by junctions, unaware that they’re approaching one and before they know it they’re slamming on the brakes to avoid an accident or the examiner has to use the dual controls. In some circumstances the car will stray across a give way line, but all this is preventable.
It’s all in the approach, so stay aware of your surroundings. Lookout for Give Way warning signs, Stop signs and traffic lights. If you don’t see any, lookout for other key indicators, such as cars passing across you up ahead or the boldly painted, give way road markings.
Once you have identified that you’re approaching a junction, implement the mirror, signal, manoeuvre (MSM) protocol, selecting the correct indicator for the direction that you intend to travel.
Junctions should be approached at around 10 – 15 mph and gear selection will depend upon the type of junction you’re approaching.
Types of junction
Now that you’ve identified that you’re approaching a junction, you need to identify what type it is. The two most common are open and closed junctions. An open junction gives you a clear view of the road you wish to join, whereas a closed junction means there is an obscurity, such as a tree. Closed junctions tend to be more common in town and city centres where roads are narrower.
Identifying the type of junction you’re approaching in advance will allow you to gauge what gear to select and determine whether the way is clear to join a carriageway immediately or whether you will be required to stop and give way to oncoming traffic. You will encounter both types of junction during your DVSA practical driving test.
Pulling out of a junction during your practical driving test
Book Theory Test Today says: “Junctions can be notoriously difficult for learner drivers to negotiate and require complete concentration. The ability to gauge the speed of oncoming traffic is paramount and is especially important if you’re asked to turn right at a junction during your practical driving test. However, you can’t be seen to be hesitant either. There’s a fine balance between going too soon and taking too long.â€
The best way to determine whether it’s safe to pull out of a junction is to imagine yourself at that moment as a pedestrian. If you would cross the road at a particular point because it’s safe to do so, this would also be the best time to pull out of a junction, but bear in mind, this technique is only useful on a 30 mph road in a town or city because that’s where much of your practical driving test will take place.
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Tags: Book theory test today, Book your theory test, Book your theory test online, Book your theory test online today, DVSA practical driving test, junctions, Practical Driving Test, T-junctions, UK theory test