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Box Junctions, What Do I Do?

Every now and then the theory test throws up a question that baffles candidates. Box junctions are just one of the many theory test teasers you could face. So, here’s how to deal with them…

The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “I will be the first to admit that box junctions bemused me. I don’t think I ever really fully understood them when revising for my theory test or taking my practical exam. Thankfully, I never encountered a box junction question on my theory exam or during my practical test. But, like everything else with driving, all it takes is practice.”

What is a box junction? 

   This is a box junction! Identified as a yellow box with criss-cross lines. Box junctions are commonly found at large busy junctions including: traffic light controlled cross roads, T-Junctions and roundabouts.


How to do box junctions
A common theory test question that occurs in relation to box junctions is ‘when can you enter a box junction?’ The answer is – when your exit is clear. If you enter a box junction when the exit is not clear you’re committing a driving offence.
You should enter a box junction when you wish to make a right turn on your journey and your path is obstructed by oncoming traffic only. You are permitted to wait in the box junction as long as your intended exit road is clear.
If your exit is clear and you wait outside the box this could result in driving test failure. Remember, if the way is clear enter the box junction and move off safely without causing an obstruction.
Where traffic lights are present, be sure not to get caught in a box junction queue as you may not have time to leave the box junction before the light turns red.

Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 21.48.44Here’s an example of when it’s safe to enter a box junction. Memorise this image as it will come in handy when taking your theory test and practical driving exam.

If you have successfully completed your theory test and you’re about to take your practical exam, should you encounter a box junction your examiner will expect you to:

  • Use the mirror, signal, manoeuvre protocol in good time
  • Refrain from entering the box junction if your exit is not clear
  • Slow down and stop before the box junction if your exit road is not clear

Book Theory Test Today says: “Aside from the above protocol your examiner will also be monitoring how you control your speed on approach to a box junction and how you move off when you have safely assessed that your exit is clear.”

How not to do box junctions
You MUST NOT enter a box junction if your exit is not clear. Failure to observe this instruction will result in driving test failure.

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Here’s an example of how not to do a box junction. Remember this image for both your theory test and practical exam.

What’s the purpose of a box junction?
This is another common theory test question. Basically, box junctions allow for a continuous flow of traffic, keeping junctions clear of congestion and preventing traffic from obstructing the path of crossing traffic.

Final tips
Book Theory Test Today says: “If you’re unsure about box junctions seek further tuition and practice, practice, practice. Box junctions are not something to fear, they enhance traffic flow. Ask your driving instructor if you can practice box junctions more. After all, you’re paying to get the best possible tuition to help you pass your theory test and practical exam.

Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…

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