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Driving Test Collisions on Downward Trend

You’re all set, you’ve calmed your nerves and you’re ready to take the practical driving test. You set off and everything’s going smoothly but suddenly, crash! Someone’s driven into the back of your car. Thankfully, these types of incidents are on the decline according to new research. Book Theory Test Today assesses the results.

The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “A crash during your driving test is not the greatest of starts to life on the road and it can be pretty unnerving. However, new research suggests that such incidents are on the decline.”

Research, who carried out the research, shows a decline in the number of mid-test accidents. Figures, from 2013, show that there were 22% fewer incidents in that year when compared with 2009.

The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “Perhaps the most interesting piece of data from the report is that crash statistics for the first quarter of 2015 are predicted to see a steep decline. “

In the first quarter of 2014, just 20 collisions were reported during driving tests. By the end of the year, based on this trend, as few as 80 collisions will have occurred. This represents an 87% decline in collisions in comparison with 2009.

The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “Experts across the driving instruction industry think that the decline has been caused by two factors. Firstly, bad drivers have improved their standards. Secondly, instructors have become much more vigilant in dangerous situations, taking the controls to avoid a collision.”

Expert Theories

In a statement from one such expert, they said: “If you think about it, a collision is most likely to occur when the driver on test is not experienced enough to either avoid making a mistake of their own, or to react appropriately and promptly enough to avoid a mistake by someone else.

You could argue that candidates are better overall (at the top end of the spectrum), but that would almost certainly be wrong as it isn’t borne out by overall pass rates. More likely is that candidates are not as bad at the bottom end. However, that is speculation without knowing the details of the candidates involved.

Another possibility is that the examiners are taking action more readily and are proactively preventing collisions. After all, instructors have to do that all the time on lessons, but examiners typically sit back and let things progress much further before stepping in (the candidate is supposed to be a full licence holder in waiting, after all).”

In a statement from  Peter McAllister, of, he said: “It’s hugely positive to see such a trend emerging in the UK’s learner driver industry. The fall that we’ve found in collisions during tests reflects well on UK road safety and paints a positive picture for the future of motoring.”

Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…



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