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Targeted! Young, Inexperienced Motorists in Essex

Police in Essex have launched a new road safety campaign targeting young, inexperienced motorists. Book Theory Test Today investigates.

Are you a young, inexperienced motorist? Our guess is that you probably feel like you’re always under surveillance. It’s bad enough that you’re made to jump through hoops with the theory test and practical driving exam, right? Now you have to contend with being watched, despite having a licence in your hand proving you can drive.

Well, spare a thought for new drivers in Essex, because a new campaign has been launched in order to reduce the number of fatal crashes that involve young, inexperienced drivers.

So, how is the campaign getting its message across – gruesome videos, a massive poster campaign or online messaging? No, the ‘Honest Truth’ campaign takes images of young men and women and photoshops their faces, replacing them with the heads of animals.   

The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “Yes, definitely a little bizarre, but each animal represents a negative driving trait. For example, the cheetah represents those drivers who violate speeds limits.”

Other animals used in this rather curious campaign include:

  • The Bulldog – representing drink-drivers
  • Chameleon – representing drug users
  • Parrot – representing mobile phone users
  • The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “The campaign also uses the rhino to highlight how a passenger not wearing a seat belt can be sent crashing around a car with the same impact as a charging rhino.”

The campaign will see a close working relationship between driving instructors, the fire and rescue service and road safety teams.

Learner drivers in particular will be a key target of the campaign in an effort to hammer home the message before they take to the road proper. Now, as well as theory test preparation and dealing with learning to drive, learners will be shown flash cards during lessons featuring the animal heads.

Book Theory Test Today says: “The campaign has been implemented because in Essex a young person is killed, on average, every 28 days, while incidents involving a serious injury occur every 36 hours.”

In a statement from Essex Police’s casualty reduction manager, Adam Pipe, he said: “The safety of young people remains a priority for Essex Police and its road safety partners. All too often staff and officers deal with the tragic consequences of road traffic collisions involving young drivers and passengers.”

In a statement from Essex County Council’s cabinet member for highways and transportation, Rodney Bass, he said: “It is important to engage young people to ensure they drive safely. The partnership wants to drive these messages home before these young people take to the roads on their own, or with friends. This campaign presents a novel opportunity to promote safety to young drivers, in a memorable way.”

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