Whether you’re learning to drive in your own car, or about to buy a motor after passing your theory test and practical exam, there are some places where your car is at more risk of being stolen. Book Theory Test Today reveals the UK’s car crime hotspots…
The Book Theory Test Today blogger comments: “We’ve done some digging around, and came across an interesting freedom of information request submitted to all 42 police constabularies across England & Wales. It will come as no surprise that the data released regarding car theft reveals that it’s more prominent in the UK’s biggest cities.â€Â
So, where is your pride and joy most likely to be stolen? Well, residents of the City of London, Greater Manchester and Greater London, watch out! Your cars are top of the hit list for car thieves.
The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “It’s simple maths really, where there are more cars, there are more thefts. After all, the same data also reveals that drivers in rural counties like Norfolk, Devon & Cornwall and Hampshire for instance, are less likely to be a victim of car theft.â€
Car Theft in Decline
Although some areas of the UK are more prone to vehicle theft, the information released by the police does apparently show that it’s in decline and has been for the last decade.
The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “I’m always mindful of police statistics, as they can be manipulated for the eyes of the public. I have no doubt the figures only reflect the number of vehicle thefts reported and do not take into account the numbers that go unreported out of fear.â€
The doubt raised by Book Theory Test Today is actually evidenced by the data provided by the police. Just take this excerpt from the document:
“Thankfully, in 2012-2013, the amount of reported thefts saw a drastic decrease, which means motorists can now feel far more secure when parking their car.â€Â
The problem is the number recorded are those reported, leaving a massive hole because essentially the numbers are not entirely accurate.
Now, the police tell us that the decline in car theft can be attributed to factors such as advances in vehicle ID records, key verification technology and improved car security systems. But, is car crime in decline? Well yes and no! If you were to take one city in the UK that city is probably showing a decline, but it’s not true across all cities. Therefore, overall, car crime in the UK may not be experiencing the levels of decline we’re led to believe.
The Book Theory Test Today blogger says: “Interestingly, car thefts in the South of the country are 4.89% more frequent than thefts in the North. So, if information was published showing the South’s overall figures, then the North would have a much higher theft rate.â€
How do I Prevent my Car from Becoming a Target?
- Never leave your car running unattended
- Don’t leave valuables in your car in plain sight
- If you have a garage keep your car in it
- Install security lights on your driveway
- Don’t leave car keys close to your front door
- Install CCTV to monitor your vehicle
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Tags: Driving Safety