Book Theory Test Today uncovers 10 obscure road rules that many motorists are breaking without even knowing it. Plus, why it’s important that you know these rules for your theory test. In part one, the first five rules are revealed.
Driving in the UK is under surveillance, so the importance of knowing the rules of the road in Britain is crucial to avoid fines & even a prison sentence. Before you even get to the stage of taking driving lessons, get to know the road rules, it will stand you in good stead for your driving theory test and practical exam.
There now exists a catalogue of motoring offences, and more are added to the already extensive list on an annual basis. In order to stay on the right side of the law you need to be completely aware of what constitutes a motoring offence. If you’re preparing for your theory test, you have a distinct advantage, you can utilise numerous resources to familiarise yourself with UK road laws.
The theory test itself will pose some questions about Britain’s road legislation so make the most of the resources available to you. In the long-term, it could help you to avoid a hefty fine or a stint behind bars at her majesty’s pleasure, and the very real possibility of having to take your theory test and practical driving exam all over again.
Here are the top five examples of completely obscure motoring laws that catch drivers out. Learn them, as questions relating to such incidents could occur on your theory test…
In first place – Warning Fellow Motorists of Speed Traps
Did you know? Warning other motorists of a police speed trap constitutes a criminal offence and could land you a whopping £500 fine, ouch!!! One example of such a punishment being handed out occurred in Grimsby, where a 64-year-old, male motorist was ordered to pay £440 for a fine and costs after he helped a fellow motorist avoid prosecution.
In second place – Dirty Number Plate
Number plates that are not clearly visible can land you a fine of £1,000.
In third place – Beeping Your Horn
Book Theory Test Today says: “Did you know? Sounding your horn while your vehicle is motionless is illegal, unless you’re warning another road user of a potential hazard. Additionally, you’re not allowed to sound your horn in a residential area between the hours of 11.30pm and 7am under any circumstances.â€
In fourth place – Changing a CD
Anything that distracts you from operating your vehicle safely such as changing a CD, drinking a hot drink, eating food or putting on make-up while driving is deemed extremely dangerous and will land you in trouble if caught.
In fifth place – Pulling over to Take a Mobile Phone Call
Book Theory Test Today says: “It’s a common misconception that pulling over to take a phone call is not an offence. Technically, if your vehicle’s engine is still running, you’re deemed to be driving and police can take action.â€
To avoid this, pull over safely, switch off the engine and use hands-free.
Book Theory Test Today says: “Watch this space for part two, coming soon.â€
Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…