Upon completing your DVSA driving test you will be issued with a test report. In part two of this three part series, Book Theory Test Today breaks down further sections of the driving test report so you know the criteria you will be assessed on.
The DVSA driving test report is used by your examiner to mark every aspect of your driving ability. Every candidate is assessed according to the same report, so it’s worth knowing what to expect so that you’re fully prepared. In part one, we covered 10 criteria on which you’re assessed. In part two Book Theory Test Today looks at further criteria.
DVSA Driving Test Report – Assessment Criteria
#11 – Using Your Mirrors – Whether moving forwards or in reverse, the exam invigilator will constantly be assessing the attention you give to your internal rear view mirror and your external wing mirrors. Mirror observation will be given particular attention when you have to use MSM protocol.
#12 – Signal Use – Knowing when to use your signals is an important part of assessment criteria on the DVSA Driving Test Report. You must demonstrate that you can use your signals in advance, but at the right moment, to warn pedestrians and other road users of your intentions. Signal too soon or too late and the potential to cause an accident is heightened. Â
#13 – Clearance & Obstructions – The DVSA Driving Test Report assesses your ability to quickly identify obstructions and avoid them safely. It’s a test of your speed control and your observational techniques because obstructions can occur at any moment and how you respond to changing road conditions is given close attention.
#14 – Response to Signs & Signals – Virtually every road in the UK features a sign or signal, so they make up a big chunk of the assessment criteria featured on the Driving Test Report. You will be assessed on how you respond to signs and signals with marks awarded for response time and safety.
#15 – Speed – Throughout the entire test your speed will be monitored very closely, in every scenario. Your approach to junctions, your town driving and dual carriageway driving will be assessed. Town and dual carriageway driving will be watched closely to identify your understanding of speed limits. However, it’s not just going too fast that will be marked down, driving too slow will also be penalised.
#16 –  Following Distance – Maintaining safety is the biggest criteria of the Driving Test Report and keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front during your test will be closely monitored.
#17 – Maintaining Progress – Your ability to drive according to the road conditions will also be marked on your Driving Test Report. You need to demonstrate safe driving, but without being overly cautious.
Stay tuned for part three of ‘DVSA Driving Test – The Driving Test Report Explained.’
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Tags: Book theory test today, Book your theory test, Book your theory test online, Book your theory test online today, DVSA driving test, DVSA driving test report, Theory Test, UK theory test