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UK Driving Test Celebrates 80th Birthday

It’s been around almost as long as Queen Elizabeth II, and will probably out live her. Book Theory Test Today looks at the past, present and future of the UK driving test as it celebrates its 80th birthday.

Known for jangling a few nerves, causing many sleepless nights and for some, causing huge embarrassment, the UK driving test is now in its 80th year and Book Theory Test Today pays homage.

UK driving test – How it all began

June 1, 1935, marks the dawn of the UK driving test, when it became compulsory for motorists to pass a practical driving exam before being let loose on Britain’s roads. It was introduced following a few months of voluntary testing.

It looked so different back then, with no official driving test centres established, wannabe motorists had to arrange the 30 minute practical driving test themselves, meeting their instructors at landmarks such as town halls or train stations.

The present

In its current form, you’re now required to book a theory test and pass it before you’re permitted to take the UK driving test. The theory test features a set of 50 multiple choice questions, 43 of which must be answered correctly to pass, plus there’s the hazard perception test to contend with.

The future

With the death toll on Britain’s roads rising, many road safety groups are calling for the introduction of a graduated driver licensing scheme, a system that enables drivers to gradually build their driving skills and experience. Many countries around the world already adopt this system and it won’t be long until it’s used in Britain by the looks of things.

Many manoeuvres that have long featured as part of the driving test, such as the three-point-turn and the reverse around the corner also look set to be scrapped, to make way for more common driving scenarios such as bay parking.

Interesting UK driving test facts

  • The first ‘learner’ to lose their ‘L plates’ was Ronald Beere
  • Prior to driver testing, 7,000 people were killed on UK roads in 1934
  • After testing was introduced, this number was cut to 1,000. In 2015, road death numbers stand at 1,700
  • Since 1935, the UK driving test has been taken a whopping 50 million times
  • Former Black Sabbath front man, Ozzy Osbourne, needed 19 attempts to pass the test
  • In 1935, the driving test was taken by 246,000 candidates with a pass rate of 63%. Today the pass rate is less than half at 47%, but admittedly more people are taking the test
  • From 1939 – 1945, during the Second World War, driver testing was suspended and didn’t continue until November 1946

Driving around the world

Britain perhaps has one of the more stringent systems for driver testing, however, did you know? In Japan a driving test can be failed if a candidate does not stoop low enough to check for concealed cats on the underside of a vehicle.

If you want an easy route into driving you can emigrate to Mexico, where the only requirement is 626 pesos [£28] to buy a licence, simple.

We’ll stick with the UK driving test – Happy 80th birthday, no doubt there will be more to come.

Book your practical test, today

Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…

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