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Survey Results | 9 Road Traffic Laws British Motorists Actually Want

Occasionally British motorists can see the funny side of driving laws in Britain and in a show of good humour, a recent survey reveals nine road traffic laws that drivers actually want to see implemented in the country. Book Theory Test Today indulges you…

Book Theory Test Today says: “If you haven’t read about this survey in the Express newspaper, you’re in for treat. It’s quite humorous, mixed with a tinge of seriousness and captures the frustrations of the modern motorist in Britain, perfectly. For those about to embark on taking a theory test or DVSA practical driving test you never know, some of these outrageous requests could become road traffic laws.”

Thousands of British motorists responded to the survey, having their say on what road traffic laws they would like to see implemented. While it doesn’t make for constructive feedback that can be used by the government, it caught the eye of Book Theory Test Today because it’s very witty.

However, it’s probably safe to say that the results may make the Department for Transport think twice about consulting British motorists about road traffic laws ever again.

Survey results

Out of the 1,200 drivers surveyed about current road traffic laws and regulations, 76% of respondents believe that the government is ‘waging a war on motorists’.

A further 69% think that both national and local government ignore the views of road users, while 56% of motorists would like direct input into new road traffic laws, either by being allowed to make suggestions or by a vote of which traffic laws to pass and reject.

Road traffic laws if you were in charge of Britain

The survey also posed the question, if you were in charge of Britain, what law would you pass to make the roads better?

Book Theory Test Today can reveal that the top nine suggestions made by the motoring public are:

  1. Give pizza delivery vehicles blue flashing lights, sirens and the same road rights afforded to emergency services.
  2. Put a sensor on my motor that turns all traffic lights green.
  3. Provide free petrol coupons to motorists caught in traffic jams caused by road works, although there’s actually no-one working.
  4. Ban drivers from eating and smoking when at the wheel.
  5. Legally enforced minimum speeds on certain roads. Slow drivers cause jams and frustration, get them out of my way – rumour has it that this was put forward by Jeremy Clarkson.
  6. Sin-bins for inconsiderate driving, like cutting in when a queue is quite clearly forming 2 miles back. Offenders should be forced to watch 70s-era public safety films for half an hour.
  7. No kids in front seats. No excuses!
  8. People who drive flash cars over £30,000 must be forced to drive a car, let’s say a Citroen C3, at least one day every week to get a sample of how the other half lives.
  9. Abolish Vehicle Excise Duty and slightly increase tax at the electrical charging point and the petrol pump. This would result in people who drive more and have petrol-guzzling vehicles having to pay more tax.

Book Theory Test Today says: “Erm…Some interesting road traffic laws put forward, but we doubt any will take effect, except maybe numbers 4 & 7.”

The survey was conducted by car leasing company and also discovered that roads users, maybe optimistically, would expect to be consulted when it comes to future road traffic laws.

Book Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…

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