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Book Your Theory Test Today – Blogging From Experience – The Theory Test, 10 Years On

Book Your Theory Test Today blog contributor recalls his experiences of the UK theory test ten years ago and reviews the changes that have taken place ten years on.

I remember my first tentative steps into the theory test centre at Chapel Ash in Wolverhampton, I was just 20 years old and this would be the second time I’d taken the theory test. I’d originally taken the exam at the tender age of 17, however, I’d failed to pass my practical driving exam within the required two years of passing my first theory test, so I was back to square one.

First time around, in the same theory test centre (Chapel Ash), I took the exam shortly after the introduction of the hazard perception test. Prior to me applying for the theory test, I was totally unaware that a whole new section was to be introduced to further test my knowledge.

I suddenly found myself having to revise even more in order to factor in this newly introduced part of the exam. However, it didn’t stop me passing the theory test; I’d succeeded in achieving 50% towards the milestone of reaching independence, a driving licence.

Getting a driving licence was my goal and it spurred me on to take the practical driving exam. But, my dreams were to be shattered as I failed the driving exam for the first time. I would go on to fail the test on a further two occasions before passing in August 2005.

After failing the driving exam first time around, I went to University. Bigger priorities in my life took over, as well as being very short on finances. As a student, driving lessons were a luxury I could not afford.

As time passed by my first theory test expired so I was forced to retake it. Those tentative steps I mentioned earlier…well the second time I took the test it seemed so much more difficult. The questions seemed harder, but I still passed with flying colours scoring a respectable 47 out of 50.

That was in 2004. When I consider what the theory test looks like 10 years on I ask myself, would I pass it now? Doubtful. There seems to be so much more involved in driving theory today. You need to know stuff about the engine and car functions, much more so than when I took the test.

However, despite the evolution of the theory test there’s still one element required more than any other to pass this notorious exam and reach half way towards independence and that is persistence. Even in the midst of my theory test foibles and driving test failures, I stuck with it.

Up until 2005 I’d had to rely on my wife to drive me everywhere (how humiliating), but the day came when I achieved the holy grail of motoring, a full UK driving licence. My time had come; I was now a fully fledged UK motorist. The moral of the story is, keep at it.

Safe and happy driving all.

Book Your Theory Test Today offers an intermediary service assisting clients with booking a UK theory test, or practical test, at test centres across the nation. The service also supplies resources to help you prepare for your theory test – Ready to take your theory test? Book your theory test online today…

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*To Qualify For a Free Resit You Need To Achieve Over 39/50 In Your Exam. Read More.