Why is there a question about rape on the Swedish theory test? Book Theory Test Today investigates this bizarre story.
The compulsory Swedish theory test has come under heavy criticism after learner drivers taking the exam were asked if alcohol is a ‘mitigating circumstance’ during rape.
During the theory test course, learners are invited to discuss various rape scenarios where there is an alcoholic influence.
Book Theory Test Today says: “You can understand why this story caught our eye, it’s completely outrageous. The obvious question is how is rape even remotely related to driving or traffic? Asking this type of question is completely absurd.â€
Swedish theory test questions defended
However, the organisation responsible for Swedish theory test material has defended the use of questions asking about rape. They said it’s intended to create discussion about how people use alcohol as an excuse when they’ve done something stupid when drunk. It’s an attempt to educate learner drivers about the dangers of drink-driving.
The theory test course features a booklet, which is used across Sweden as part of compulsory risk-assessment courses. These risk-assessments form part of the driving licence theory exam, which is taken by a high proportion of 16 to 18-year-olds.
Learner motorists are asked to discuss multiple scenarios involving drugs and alcohol, two of which ask about rape, bearing no relevance to driving or traffic whatsoever.
The booklet
Astonishingly, an excerpt from the Swedish theory test course booklet reads: “An intoxicated woman is raped by a man. When he is punished, is it an aggravating or mitigating circumstance that she was intoxicated?â€
The booklet goes on to depict a similar rape scenario, but this time the male ‘offender’ is intoxicated and a question asks whether this is an aggravating or mitigating circumstance in a court of law.
Learner motorists shocked
Learner motorists taking the Swedish theory test were left shocked by the questions. One course participant, Linnea Risinger, 32, from Falun, Dalarna, came across the questions during her course. She immediately posted a picture of them on Facebook
The reaction was quite heated, with many responses to the picture asking what the subject of rape had to do with obtaining a driving licence.
Ms Risinger, a spokesperson for the local Green Party, said: “I was surprised to find the questions, especially when anyone on that course around me could potentially be a victim of sexual assault. Forcing them to enter into a discussion about rape on a theory test course is just bad taste, they would be totally unprepared for it and it could be traumatising.â€
She added: “Rape has nothing to do with a driver’s licence. It is not okay that you should be forced to discuss during a compulsory course to get your licence. It is highly likely that there are boys and girls who take part in this course who are victims. They are there to get a driver’s licence, not go to therapy.â€
Swedish National Organisation for Driving Schools
Yet, the Swedish National Organisation for Driving Schools (Sveriges trafikskolors riksförbund) remains adamant that the use of rape scenarios is perfectly viable for the Swedish theory test course. They state that it emphasises the fact that alcohol is often used as an excuse to justify irresponsible behaviour.
The organisation said: “We want a discussion about taking responsibility for your actions, and that is the reason the questions are in there.â€
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Tags: Book theory test today, learner drivers, learner motorists, Swedish theory test, Theory Test, theory test course