Sidcup theory testing centers can provide an ideal solution when one wants the freedom from the hustle and bustle of central cities. Its central site in South East London is part of a business park near Queen Mary Hospital. In our guides, we're covering some of the most helpful tips including waiting times, local bus services, Pass prices etc.
Sidcup Theory Test Centre
You must have a DVSA driving theory test in order to get a practical driving test. Your theory examinations may be conducted at any of our study centres in Scotland and England including the testing centres at Sidcup and in the University of Edinburgh. The following guide will teach everyone the essentials for Sidcup theory tests. You can find many helpful resources at Sidcup Testing Centre.
How to book your theory test at the Sidcup Theory Test Centre?
You can book your theoretical exam through DVSA directly. You can even book a driving theory exam from our site. Reservations via e-bookings are easy, if needed. We will help you pass all car, motorcycle and truck theory tests.
How long is the Sidcup driving test?
Driving test wait time in Sidcup is typically two to three months.
Is Sidcup good for driving test?
Apparently driving test passes are different for every region. The Londoner will pass 80% of the tests. The most interesting statistics are for Sidcup test center... It is very hard not to complain about Sidcup.
*To Qualify For a Free Theory Test Resit in Sidcup You Need To Achieve Over 39/50 In Your Exam. Read More.
For our customers to be eligible for our theory test pass protection scheme you require to have booked your theory test using the Site and provide us with a copy of the original failed test certificate showing that you scored no less than 38 out of 50 on the multiple choice component in the actual exam. This pass protection also applies to you not passing the test due to hazard perception failure. All you need to do is satisfy our terms and conditions and provide us with proof of eligibility. Providing you do so we will rebook your test at our cost.